
Athlete’s Endurance Massage

Customized massage for client’s who are training for any event. This massage will help with healing the tiny tears in the muscle fibers that help with building up endurance for any event.

Cranio-Sacral Massage

Used with a combination of techniques. For people with headaches that are due to neck tightness or stress, for people with specific neck problems from working in a computer chair for to many hours.

Deep-Tissue Massage

A customized massage for each client. You will be asked a few questions about day to day life and we will then tailor a massage to release the stress and relax your muscles. This can be focus work in a specific area of the body due to the tightness in that area.

Hot Stone Massage

Can be used in conjunction with deep tissue massage or used for relaxation of the mind and body. To soothe away all the aches and pains associated with the outside world. Allowing your mind to melt along with your muscles.

Lymphatic Massage

For breast cancer patients, regular lymphatic massage can boost your immune system and metabolism, reduce edema, and enhance skin tone and vibrancy.

The lymphatic system is the body’s drainage system ridding itself of toxins and bacteria that build up over time. It also plays a crucial role in your body’s ability to ward off infections and illnesses as well as healing from injury.

Lymph pathways that are clogged can cause aches, pains, loss of appetite, migraines, depression, fatigue and other flu like symptoms.

Lymphatic massage typically uses light to moderate pressure (adjusted to suit the client’s preference) and rhythmic pumping motions in the direction of the lymph nodes to assist the body in healing itself, increasing lymph flow by as much as 10 to 20 times the normal amount.

Oncology Massage

A gentle customized massage for people who have or have had cancer.

I will not turn away anyone who wishes to begin this massage. Please contact me to discuss payments.

More about Oncology Massage

Just the word “cancer” often sends chills through ones spine. Many of us remember the old soap operas where a diagnosis of cancer meant you were confined to a sterile hospital bed, waiting to die a dramatic death.

Treatments today are vast and varied – many resulting in positive outcomes. Not everyone responds the same way to the same treatment, and Oncology Massage can help you or your patients deal with their symptoms, side-effects from treatment, and the mental anguish that comes with a cancer diagnosis.

Massage can be beneficial at nearly every stage of your cancer experience – during hospitalization, prior to or after surgery, during chemotherapy or radiation, while recovering at home, during remission, or at the end stages of life.

Benefits of massage during treatement can be significant. It can reduce short-term pain, anxiety, fatigue, and feelings of isolation. It can enhance your mood, contributing to better rest and an improved perception of your treatment.

Studies have shown that massage can help reduce pain, nausea, fatigue, anxiety and depression. It can restore a feeling of wholeness to your body, and increase the range of motion and suppleness of areas affected by surgery and radiation.

Not every massage therapist may be aware of the unique considerations and medical complexities of cancer patients. You sill want to find someone who understands:

  • the importance of being “present” for the patient
  • the benefits and precautions to share with the patient
  • the biology of cancer – how it starts, how it spreads, and its effects on the body
  • the common treatments and their typical side effects

Since the main goal of an oncology massage is to increase comfort and well-being, your massage therapist will likely want to adopt the premise that less is more – using slower strokes and shorter sessions, and making sure to check in with clients the day after the massage to assess whether the session adequately addressed the patient’s needs, and to plan adjustments, as needed for the next session.

Another concern for many cancer patients who have had surgery on or treatment that affected lymph nodes is lymphedema. Lymphedema is swelling caused by blockage of the lymphatic system – usually in an arm or leg. It can be painful and chronic. There are massage techniques that can be used to improve swelling – there are other techniques that may make it worse. Your massage therapist needs to know the difference.

Three questions to ask your massage therapist:

  • Have you received training in how to work safely with people diagnosed with cancer?
  • What kind of modifications would you make based on my current status? 
  • What do you know about massage for people at risk of lymphedema?

Pregnancy Massage

Pregnancy massage focuses on addressing the special needs of expecting women. Specially-designed massage tables, cushions, and side-lying postures are used to prevent putting pressure on the abdomen.


Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is administered by “laying on hands” and is based on the idea that an unseen “life force energy” flows through us and is what causes us to be alive. If one’s “life force energy” is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress, and if it is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy.
If you would like crystals used in session add $5.00.

Swedish Massage

The oldest and best massage done. This massage will be tailored to you and what you want out of your session!

Trigger Point/Deep-Tissue Massage

Both are done to reduce those “knots” that you have in your back, trigger point work can be done every where you have extreme muscular problems to release the knot created by the muscle.